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MCC Daily Tribune


Upper-Level SUNY Students Are Eligible to Apply; Scholarship Award Application to Open this Fall

Albany, NY – In recognition of June as Pride Month, State University of New York Chancellor John B. King Jr. announced Sunday the Harvey Milk Award for Student Leadership. The new scholarship, 以纪念奥尔巴尼大学1951届校友和LGBTQIA+权利捍卫者而命名 Harvey Milk, 表彰一位杰出的高年级学生,他致力于在校园里提高LGBTQIA+对同学的包容性.

“哈维·米尔克是LGBTQIA+权利的捍卫者,而当时LGBTQIA+社区的许多人因为仇恨而不得不隐藏自己的真实身份. 他为LGBTQIA+群体在美国生存和被接受的权利而奋斗,” said SUNY Chancellor King. “Across the SUNY system, 无数学生已经并将继续追随哈维·米尔克和其他先驱的脚步,以确保LGBTQIA+的权利不受侵蚀, and all are welcome and feel included on SUNY campuses.”

Stuart Milk, the Nephew of Harvey Milk, the Milk Family Spokesperson, and Co-Founder of the Harvey Milk Foundation said, “今天,纽约州立大学校长John B. King Jr. of an annual Harvey Milk award scholarship! 来自我叔叔的母校为哈维·米尔克的历史和全球遗产增添了许多意义. 纽约州立大学哈维·米尔克奖学金将作为哈维叔叔持久影响的活证明,为学生提供支持,并将成为所有继续拥抱多样性的人的灵感来源, champion human rights, 纪念这位为正义和自由献出生命的开拓者."

The application is expected to open this fall. The following is the criteria for the award:

  • Open to all SUNY, full time students
  • Upper-class (sophomore, junior, and senior) students and graduate students
  • Students in good academic standing
  • 展现对促进包容性校园社区的承诺,以增强LGBTQIA+成员的归属感和体验
  • 展现对校园或当地LGBTQIA+社区有重大和积极影响的领导经验, including but not limited to remove barriers that affect LGBTQIA+ experiences, advocate policy changes, or implement campus-wide events/celebration
  • Nomination required, which includes self-nomination. 一篇一页的论文来支持学生的候选资格,证明学生的参与和领导经验,如奖学金资格和要求所述. All nominations must include one letter of recommendation.

State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal said, “Harvey Milk, a native New Yorker and SUNY grad, is an iconic human rights and political advocate who remains an inspiration to millions. I’m thrilled that during a Pride month, 金校长和纽约州立大学为了表彰这位杰出的校友,以哈维·米尔克的名义推出了一项奖学金计划,为推动LGBTQIA+平等事业的纽约州立大学高年级学生提供奖学金. As an out member of the NYS Senate, 我希望新的纽约州立大学哈维·米尔克奖学金将为未来几代值得纽约州立大学的学生提供资源,帮助他们完成学业,并继续推进LGBTQIA +人权事业.”

Assemblymember Patricia Fahy said, “我赞扬纽约州立大学和哈维米尔克基金会在奥尔巴尼大学最著名的校友之一之后推出这项值得注意的奖学金. Harvey Milk was a true trailblazer, and this scholarship will do so much to support LGBTQ students, as well as continue to draw attention to Harvey Milk and his legacy.”

Assemblymember Harvey Epstein said“在我们庆祝‘骄傲月’之际,向纽约州立大学校友哈维·米尔克(Harvey Milk)的遗产致敬是恰当的. 纽约州立大学已将促进包容性环境并确保LGBTQI+社区在校园内有一个茁壮成长的地方作为优先事项. I applaud the creation of the Harvey Milk Award for Student Leadership, which will honor a student who is carrying on Harvey’s legacy at such an important time.”

About Harvey Milk
Harvey Milk, 奥尔巴尼大学的校友(当时称为奥尔巴尼纽约州立师范学院), 他是一位有远见的民权和人权领袖,1977年赢得旧金山监事会席位,成为美国首批公开同性恋身份的民选官员之一. 米尔克史无前例、毫不道歉地宣布自己是一名公开的同性恋公职候选人,并在随后的选举中获胜,这给了世界各地的LGBTQIA+人群前所未有的希望,当时这个群体正面临着广泛的敌意和歧视. 他非凡的职业生涯在上任近一年后被暗杀,不幸地缩短了.

About the Harvey Milk Foundation
哈维·米尔克基金会由哈维的侄子斯图尔特·米尔克和哈维的竞选经理建立, Anne Kronenberg. Stuart, like Harvey, 作为一名公开的同性恋倡导者,她不仅为LGBTQIA+群体发声,也为那些因法律和社会不平等而被边缘化或被削弱的群体发声. 哈维·米尔克认为,作为一名民权领袖,广泛的公共教育和对话对他一生的工作至关重要, as if riding on Harvey’s shoulders, the Milk Foundation seeks to inspire individuals, 社区和组织在一个更美好的世界的永恒愿景中继承他的价值观.

About The State University of New York
纽约州立大学是美国最大的综合性高等教育体系, 超过95%的纽约人住在距离纽约州立大学64所学院和大学30英里以内的地方. Across the system, SUNY has four academic health centers, five hospitals, four medical schools, two dental schools, a law school, the country’s oldest school of maritime, the state’s only college of optometry, and manages one US Department of Energy National Laboratory. In total, SUNY serves about 1.在其全部学分和非学分课程和项目组合中,有400万名学生, continuing education, and community outreach programs. SUNY oversees nearly a quarter of academic research in New York. Research expenditures system-wide are nearly $1.2023财年的预算为10亿美元,其中包括学生和教师的重大贡献. There are more than three million SUNY alumni worldwide, and one in three New Yorkers with a college degree is a SUNY alum. To learn more about how SUNY creates opportunities, visit

Veronica Chiesi Brown
Community Relations