

Governor Hochul Announces Application for Empire State Service Corps Program is Open

纽约州立大学鼓励学生  申请500个带薪公民服务实习机会 

与纽约州立大学合作 由德尔加多副州长带队 推广公民及服务机会 第一军团成员将于今年秋天开始

Governor Kathy Hochul Tuesday 宣布 the application for the Empire State Service Corps Program is open, 推进她2024年的国家优先事项之一. Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado is spearheading the initiative in partnership with the State University of New York to promote paid civic and service opportunities.

“Working as an intern in state government was a formative experience that catalyzed my interest in serving the people of New York,” 省长Hochul说. “By expanding our initiatives to get more young people involved with the Empire Service Corps, we are making a forward commitment to their well-being and to the betterment of our state as a whole.” 

“Empowering our young people to lead with empathy through civic engagement and service is central to bringing New Yorkers together,” 副州长德尔加多说. “By creating 500 new service positions for our students across SUNY’s colleges and universities, we are investing in future generations and taking an important step forward in supporting our young people to own their power and build stronger communities.”

纽约州立大学鼓励学生这样做 Apply. The first Empire State Service Corps members will begin during the Fall 2024 semester. 

Approximately 500 service positions will be created across SUNY’s colleges and universities, 由2美元资助.75 million expansion of community service initiatives in the FY25 Enacted Budget. 社区-based organizations and local school districts interested in hosting Empire State Corps members for the academic year can 提交地区资料.

纽约州立大学校长约翰. 小国王. 说, “We applaud the Governor’s vision for the Empire State Service Corps, and greatly appreciate the leadership of Lieutenant Governor Delgado in launching this vital program. Civic education and engagement are integral to higher education, and our students are ready to heed the call to public service for our society and their own personal growth.”

Students participating in the program will dedicate at least 300 hours a year to paid community service – on campus or in the community – and will convene regularly to share and learn from each other’s experiences. 服务工作将与下列其中一个范畴有关:

中小学辅导: Students will partner with local school districts for regular tutoring sessions to support recovery from pandemic-era interrupted learning.

SNAP和基本需求外展: 学生将支持学生在校园进行SNAP外展, 以及提供基本需求的支持, 包括在学校食品储藏室值班.

同侪心理健康: On select campuses, students will be trained to serve as peer mental health counselors.

可持续性: Students will serve in campus roles and with local nonprofits and State agencies on sustainability work, 比如回收活动, 植树, 传粉者的花园, 可持续发展拓展.

反仇恨和偏见预防: Students will serve with local nonprofits focused on ending hate and bias in the community.

公民参与: Students will serve with local nonprofits on civic engagement, including nonpartisan voter outreach. The Civic Engagement Corps will consist of 15 corps members funded through philanthropic support from the Ibis Group, 宣布 本月初.

FAFSA完成: 学生将为当地社区服务, 通过参观当地的高中和校园工作, 支持学生完成FAFSA.

The Empire State Service Corps builds on SUNY’s existing FAFSA Completion Corps, which mobilizes current SUNY students to help prospective students and their families complete the updated federal application for college financial aid, 以及纽约州立大学气候队, which offers students paid internship opportunities to gain valuable experience, 具备清洁技术所需的知识和技能, 能源, circular economy and environmental sectors at state agencies with environmental and sustainability missions. SUNY is committed to expanding service opportunities across its 64 campuses as part of its systemwide commitment to civic education and engagement.

帕特里夏·法希议员说: “New York’s new Empire State Service Corps will open doors of opportunities for students with a focus on community service and strengthening our civics. 在任何行业, gaining internship experience significantly improves your chances of finding a job post-graduation or receiving an employment offer. Focusing these opportunities on civics and community service-oriented projects will ensure that students make connections and attain experience on their path to graduation and ultimately carry that into their careers. 向Lt致敬. Governor Delgado and Chancellor King for continuing to invest in student success and experiential learning opportunities!” 

The State University of New York is the largest comprehensive system of higher education in the United States, and more than 95 percent of all New Yorkers live within 30 miles of any one of SUNY’s 64 colleges and universities. 整个系统, 纽约州立大学有四个学术健康中心, 五医院, 四所医学院, 两所牙科学校, 法学院, 这个国家最古老的海事学校, 该州唯一的验光学院, 管理着一个美国能源部国家实验室. 纽约州立大学的学生总数约为1人.4 million students amongst its entire portfolio of credit- and non-credit-bearing courses and programs, 继续教育, 以及社区外展项目. SUNY oversees nearly a quarter of academic research in New York. 整个系统的研究支出接近1美元.1 billion in fiscal year 2023, including significant contributions from students and faculty. 纽约州立大学在全球有300多万校友, and one in three New Yorkers with a college degree is a SUNY alum. 要了解更多关于纽约州立大学如何创造机会,请访问 www.纽约州立大学.edu.
