

哈维·米尔克 Scholarship Award Announced for Student 领导 in Improving Campus LGBTQIA+ Experiences

Upper-Level SUNY Students Are Eligible to 应用; Scholarship Award Application to Open this Fall

奥尔巴尼,纽约 – In recognition of June as Pride Month, State University of New York Chancellor John B. 小国王. 周日宣布了哈维·米尔克学生领袖奖. 新奖学金, named in honor of University at Albany class of 1951 alumnus and LGBTQIA+ rights champion 哈维·米尔克, recognizes an outstanding upper-level student who has dedicated their time to improving LGBTQIA+ inclusiveness on their campus for fellow students.

“哈维牛奶 was a champion of LGBTQIA+ rights during a time when many in the LGBTQIA+ community had to hide who they truly were because of hatred. He fought for the right of the LGBTQIA+ community to exist and find acceptance in the United States,” 纽约州立大学校长金说. “整个纽约州立大学系统, countless students who have and will continue to follow in the footsteps of 哈维·米尔克 and other pioneers to ensure LGBTQIA+ rights are not eroded, 纽约州立大学欢迎所有人,让他们觉得自己是纽约州立大学的一份子.”

斯图尔特牛奶, 哈维·米尔克的侄子, 牛奶家族的代言人, 哈维·米尔克基金会的联合创始人说, “We are excited and honored by the announcement today by State University of New York Chancellor John B. 小国王. 哈维·米尔克年度奖学金! Coming from my uncle's alma mater adds a great deal of significance to the historic and global legacy of 哈维·米尔克. The SUNY 哈维·米尔克 scholarship will serve to support students as a living testament to Uncle Harvey's enduring impact and will serve to be a source of inspiration for all for those who continue to embrace diversity, 捍卫人权, and honor the memory of a trailblazer who gave his life in the line of justice and freedom."

该申请预计将于今年秋季开放. 以下是奖项的评审标准:

  • 面向所有纽约州立大学全日制学生开放
  • 高年级(二年级、三年级和四年级)学生和研究生
  • 学业成绩良好的学生
  • Demonstrate a commitment to advancing an inclusive campus community to enhance LGBTQIA+ members’ sense of belonging and experiences
  • Demonstrate leadership experiences that have significant and positive impact on campus or local communities in relation to LGBTQIA+ communities, 包括但不限于消除影响LGBTQIA+体验的障碍, 倡导政策变革, 或实施校园活动/庆祝活动
  • 需要提名,包括自我提名. A one-page essay to support student's candidacy that demonstrates student’s involvement and leadership experiences as described in scholarship eligibility and requirement. 所有提名必须包括一封推荐信.

州参议员布拉德·霍尔曼-西格尔说, “哈维牛奶, 他是土生土长的纽约人,毕业于纽约州立大学, 是一位标志性的人权和政治倡导者,仍然鼓舞着数百万人. 我很高兴在骄傲月, Chancellor King and SUNY are honoring this distinguished alumnus by launching a scholarship program in 哈维·米尔克’s name for upper level SUNY students who have advanced the cause of LGBTQIA+ equality. 作为纽约州参议院的出局成员, I’m hopeful that the new SUNY 哈维·米尔克 Scholarship will help provide the resources for future generations of deserving SUNY students to complete their studies and continue to advance the cause of LGBTQIA + human rights.”

国会议员帕特里夏·法希说, “I commend SUNY and the 哈维·米尔克 Foundation for launching this noteworthy scholarship after one of UAlbany’s most famous alum. 哈维·米尔克是一位真正的开拓者, 这项奖学金将为支持LGBTQ学生做很多事情, 并继续吸引人们关注哈维·米尔克和他的遗产.”

众议员哈维·爱泼斯坦说, “It is fitting to honor the legacy of 哈维·米尔克, a SUNY alum as we celebrate Pride Month. SUNY has made it a priority to promote an inclusive environment and to ensure the LGBTQI+ community has a place to thrive on its campuses. 我为哈维·米尔克学生领袖奖的设立喝彩, 一个在如此重要的时刻继承哈维遗产的学生.”

哈维·米尔克, a University at Albany alumnus (then called the New York State College for Teachers at Albany), was a visionary civil and human rights leader who became one of the first openly gay elected officials in the United States when he won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. Milk’s unprecedented and unapologetic proclamation of his authenticity as an openly gay candidate for public office and his subsequent election gave never-before experienced hope to LGBTQIA+ people everywhere at a time when the community was encountering widespread hostility and discrimination. His remarkable career was tragically cut short when he was assassinated nearly a year after taking office.

The 哈维·米尔克 Foundation was established by Harvey’s nephew 斯图尔特牛奶 and Harvey’s campaign manager, 安妮Kronenberg. 斯图尔特, 像哈维, has chosen to speak out as an openly gay advocate for not only the LGBTQIA+ community but also the collective communities of people who remain marginalized or diminished by inequality in the law as well as societal inequality. 哈维·米尔克 believed broad public education and dialogue were paramount to his life’s work as a civil rights leader and, 好像骑在哈维的肩膀上, 牛奶基金会旨在激励个人, communities and organizations to carry on his values in a timeless vision for a better world.

The State University of New York is the largest comprehensive system of higher education in the United States, and more than 95 percent of all New Yorkers live within 30 miles of any one of SUNY’s 64 colleges and universities. 整个系统, 纽约州立大学有四个学术健康中心, 五医院, 四所医学院, 两所牙科学校, 法学院, 这个国家最古老的海事学校, 该州唯一的验光学院, 管理着一个美国能源部国家实验室. 纽约州立大学的学生总数约为1人.4 million students amongst its entire portfolio of credit- and non-credit-bearing courses and programs, 继续教育, 以及社区外展项目. 纽约州立大学管理着纽约近四分之一的学术研究. 整个系统的研究支出接近1美元.1 billion in fiscal year 2023, including significant contributions from students and faculty. 纽约州立大学在全球有300多万校友, 三分之一拥有大学学位的纽约人是纽约州立大学校友. 要了解更多关于纽约州立大学如何创造机会,请访问 www.纽约州立大学.edu.
